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What does Consent Mode Version 2 mean for me?

By Ulrika Mikiasson Reading time: 2 minutes

Consent Mode V2 is fast approaching. On 6 March, the new EU law will come into force. If you use Google Ads today in your digital marketing strategy, it is important for you to keep track of what applies and what you need to do. Let me guide you.

Let's start from the beginning. We are fed words like cookie banner, cookie manager, and consent mode. But how does it all fit together?  

1. Consent Manager  

A cookie consent manager is a tool or software that you can use to obtain cookie consent and manage them on your website. 

2. Cookie banner 

A cookie banner is a pop-up window on your website that tells your visitor that you use cookies. With a cookie banner, you get consent from your visitors where they can choose to accept or decline. Cookies are used on websites to improve the user experience and to collect personal data (IP address, location, device ID, user ID, etc.) about visitors – mainly for marketing purposes. 

Why cookie banner? 

  • Get consent from your visitors (accept/reject) 
  • Only necessary cookies are allowed to be pre-selected for the visitor
  • Legal requirements and directives 
    •  GDPR
    • The European ePrivacy Directive, also known as the "Cookie law", came into force in 2002 
    • New EU law: Digital Markets Act to go live on 6 March 2024 

3. Consent Mode Version 2 

Google's Consent Mode feature has been around for a couple of years, but with the new law (Digital Markets Act), Google has to update its consent management. In the previous Consent Mode there were two tracking parameters, and with the new Consent Mode Version 2, four tracking parameters are collected. 

So, with that background guide, we're ready to look ahead. Before March 6, 2024, you need to have updated to Consent Mode Version 2, because then the new EU law Digital Markets Act will come into force. 

When is Consent Mode Version 2 coming out? 

It's already available, so it's high time to update to the new version today. If you are using a Consent Management Platform (CMP), you can download the new file via Google Tag Manager (GTM). The new EU Digital Markets Act will come into force on 6 March 2024.  

What's new in Consent Mode V2? 

Previously, Google collected two parameters, but in the new Consent Mode Version 2, four parameters are collected for consent. 

  •  ad_storage
  •  analytics_storage
  • ad_user_data (new) 
  • ad_personalization (new) 

What do the two new parameters mean? 


This setting determines whether personal data is sent to Google for advertising purposes 


This parameter checks whether the data can be used for personalised advertising (e.g. remarketing – targeted advertising to consumers). 

Remarketing is a marketing tactic that allows you to show ads to audiences who have previously visited a website or engaged with your content on social media. 

How do I update to Consent Mode Version 2? 

It's easy to update Consent Mode Version 2 if you're using a Google certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) such as Cookie Information or Cookiebot. Via Google Tag Manager, the template is available for download in the template gallery or it is already visible as an update "1 template update available". This depends on the CMP you are using.  

If you don't have a Google certified CMP, more development is required to get the new Consent Mode Version 2 in place. 

Date check: update before March 6, 2024. 

The image below shows what it might look like in Google Tag Manager (GTM)
 Skärmklipp på hur det kan se ut i Google Tag Manager - som en tabell

What happens if I don't update? 

A large part of your Google Ads advertising is affected, which leads to money being "thrown down" by the drain. 

Google Ads is affected across different features 

  • Doesn't collect any new data 
  • Affects your audience collection 
  • Remarketing data expires 
  • Enhanced conversions stop collecting data 


  1. Configuring the Cookie Banner Correctly 
  2. Implement Consent Mode V2 
  3. Verify your implementation with Google Tag Manager and Tag Assistant 
  4. Check if the page has set the default state correctly 
  5. Verify if the page has updated consent based on your interaction with the cookie banner
  6. Check which tags have been enabled or blocked by cookie consent

We are happy to answer questions and guide you on how to update to the new Consent Mode V2.  Good luck! 

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Ulrika Mikiasson

Ulrika Mikiasson

Project Management | Web Experiments, Measurement & Analysis

Epinova designs and develops websites, e-commerce and digital services for leading companies and organizations in the Nordic region. Do you want to know how we can help your company? Get in touch and we will tell you more!