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6 Powerful Tips to Boost Your Website or Ecommerce Conversion Rate

By Joy Falk Reading time: 2 minutes

How to run your own e-commerce or website towards the best possible sales and profit is not easy. There are many parameters to tweak and the competition is fierce.

Conversion rate is an important factor in measuring how many visitors actually make a purchase transaction. It is important to measure and monitor it regularly to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the website and take steps to improve it. By analyzing and optimizing various factors that affect the conversion rate, you can streamline your website or e-commerce and increase the success of converting visitors into customers or leads.

Here are some tips on how to improve conversion rates on your website or e-commerce:

1. User Experience Optimization

One of the most important factors influencing conversion rates is user experience. A poor user experience can lead to visitors quickly leaving the site and moving on to another. Make sure your website has a good user experience for the screens your target audiences use. Dig into qualitative and quantitative data and formulate theses.

There are many different ways to improve the experience for your users. First of all, you should make sure that it is easy to find information on the website through a clear and simple navigation along with a search function. Also, review the content so that you have clear headings, easy-to-read texts and meaningful images.

The fact that the website has fast loading times is also an important aspect, as a slow website contributes to frustration in users. To quickly see where your site stands, you can test it in Lighthouse.

There are many more aspects to consider in order to achieve a good user experience, under UX & design you can read more about this.

2. Optimizing Product Images and Descriptions

Product images and descriptions are crucial to increasing sales on an e-commerce site. Make sure the product images are high-quality, clear, and show the product from different angles. The products should also have a detailed description that includes all the information that customers need to make a decision. Describe not only the product itself, but also any defects or warranty. Anything that can make the customer feel so safe.

3. Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Call-to-Actions (CTAs) are buttons or links that encourage visitors to take a desired action, such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a newsletter. To increase conversion rates, it's important to have clear CTAs on all relevant pages. Use clear and encouraging text that speaks directly to the visitor.

4. Simplify the payment process

Another factor that can affect the conversion rate when selling is the payment process. Make sure that the payment process is as easy as possible for the customer. Offer several payment options, such as card payment, Swish and invoice, so that customers can choose what suits them best. Also, make sure that customers can trust that the payment is safe and secure.

5. Social Proof and Testimonials

Social proof and recommendations can also increase conversion rates. Display customer reviews and ratings of the products and make sure it's easy for your customers to leave a review. Also, share recommendations from influencers or celebrities who may influence customers to buy the product.

6. A/B Testing

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better. By testing different variations of a page, you can identify the improvements that have the greatest impact on conversion rates. Test different variations of product images, descriptions, CTAs, and navigation to see which ones perform best. Optimizely is one of the best tools on the market for A/B testing the web.

Do you also want to sell more and increase conversion rates?

Epinova can help you analyze, design, and optimize your website or e-commerce so that you can increase your conversion rate and thus increase the value of it. We have extensive experience and experts in the field. Contact us and we can see how we can help you!

FACT: What is conversion rate?

Conversion rate, also known as conversion rate, is a metric used to measure the percentage of visitors to a website or e-commerce that perform a desired action in relation to the total number of visitors. The desired action may vary depending on the goal of the website or e-commerce, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, subscribing to newsletters, or downloading a file.

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    Joy Falk
    Joy Falk

    Team manager | Project Manager | Digital Strategist

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