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Quality Assurance and Testing

Our dedication to high-quality solutions

At Epinova, we work very actively with quality assurance of the solutions we build. We have developed a set of tools and processes that help us maintain a high level of quality in our deliveries.

Two persons working concentrated at their computers

We work systematically and actively with these different areas:

  • Safety
  • Performance
  • Availability
  • Web Standards
  • Visual Tests
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content
  • Web analytics


Security threats and intrusions are unfortunately something that is constantly increasing as we become more and more digitized. Security is a large area that covers many different areas, such as:

  • Accessing protected data or account information
  • Changing or manipulating information
  • Trying to influence a system through e.g. denial-of-service attacks so that it has limited availability

At Epinova, we always conduct thorough reviews of the code that is checked into a solution to reduce the risk of introducing security risks. We are also proactive in constantly updating the software and add-ons used on your website. This can sometimes be interpreted as something that doesn't always add direct value, but it significantly reduces the risk that someone can exploit well-known security holes in third-party components.

We offer our customers the opportunity to set up Detectify, which is a service that continuously performs security checks. Detectify can both find new risks introduced in a solution, but also new flaws that have been reported by Detectify's network of security experts. The earlier we can identify and address a risk, the less chance it is likely that someone will be able to exploit it.


Good performance where a web page loads quickly is an area where the demands are constantly increasing, as web solutions have become more and more business-critical. A quick website can be the difference between a potential customer or someone moving on to a competitor. 

We have extensive experience of working actively with the performance of our solutions, and have also done many performance reviews of other people's solutions. 

There is no magic formula for how to get good performance on a website, but with constant measurement and use of certain patterns, you usually go a long way. We at Epinova have, among other things, developed an add-on to Optimizely for responsive image management, which is a central part of modern websites today.

To be able to measure performance, we use both local tools under development such as Google Lighthouse, but it is also supplemented with services such as SpeedCurve , which is a tool that continuously measures the performance of a website and can alert when thresholds are exceeded.


Developing websites that are accessible feels very natural today, but it is still the case that this is easily forgotten. For us at Epinova, it is a hygiene factor that our solutions follow common standards and work in different devices and browsers.

We work on the basis of current web standards and the requirements defined in WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

We usually work with the tools BrowserStack and Siteimprove to check the accessibility of our websites in various ways, as this is a combination of the templates we develop and the content that is added by the editors. In many cases, our customers choose to continue using Siteimprove for their everyday work once the website is launched.

Design and Visual Tests

Unit and function tests ensure proper behavior, but they often miss visual anomalies. We therefore carry out visual testing to ensure that the appearance of the web solution is flawless.

We divide the visual testing into two parts. During our "manual" tests (visual inspection), our designer simply compares the end result against the design sketches. Through automatic tests with the Percy tool, we can get a simple and effective monitoring of changes in the interface. This helps us identify visual changes on an ongoing basis, preventing unintentional design bugs from reaching visitors.

Manual QA framework

Epinova has for a long time, based on experience from a number of completed projects, built up a framework with approximately 300 manual test points to review and quality assure a solution.

This testing framework is part of our development methodology and also part of onboarding new developers.

Many of these test points can't be automated. They act as both "best practice" for how we develop our solutions, and it also means that we can avoid launching solutions with common problems.

Before your launch

We have routines and checklists before your launch to minimize the risks and not miss important activities. This applies to technology, environments and domains as well as checkpoints around your content, SEO, rights, redirection of old links and more.

With our comprehensive set of tools and processes, both you and we get the help we need to maintain a high quality solution!

Do you like quality as much as we do?

Get in touch and we'll tell you more!

Camilla Karlsson

What we do

With our broad experience bank, we adapt our way of working to each customer's circumstances for the best possible results.