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Prince Daniel's Fellowship – A modern platform to inspire young entrepreneurs

We are proud to have launched the new website for Prince Daniel's Fellowship, an initiative from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in collaboration with Prince Daniel, which aims to inspire young people to dare to invest in entrepreneurship.

Panel discussion on stage

Through our collaboration with IVA, we have created an additional platform that is both technically robust and user-friendly, and that supports the Fellowship's long-term goal – to reach out to more people and create greater community engagement.

Fast and cost-effective solution that maximizes value

The new website, which is part of our multisite solution for IVA, was built in record time thanks to Epinova's powerful framework. Through this, we were able to shorten the implementation process significantly but still deliver a cost-effective solution with high quality, something that is important for an organization like IVA.

The previous website was hosted on WordPress, and had become difficult to manage and maintain over time. However, as Prince Daniel's Fellowship is now one of several websites within IVA's digital ecosystem (together with iva.se and tekniksprånget.se), they can now take advantage of centralised functions at a significantly lower cost.

In other words, a stable and future-proof platform that is not only sustainable and easy to manage, but also enables growth and change in line with the organization's needs. This makes it a long-term investment for IVA.

Adapted for growth and increased reach

One of the biggest challenges for many organizations is to be able to scale their digital presence in an efficient way. Through our solution, Prince Daniel's Fellowship has not only gained a website that reflects their brand and vision, but also enables growth in both functionality and reach. This allows the Fellowship to focus on its core mission – to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs – while the platform handles the technical aspects.

The Prince Daniel's Fellowship program plays an important role in encouraging young people to dare to take the step into the world of entrepreneurship, and we at Epinova are happy to be able to contribute to their important work. We hope to have made it possible for Prince Daniel's Fellowship to reach out to more young entrepreneurs and spread its important message!